Bad news: injured shoulder = hiatus :(
Ye gods, I'm having a bad month of things. Unfortunately I have injured my right shoulder and, whilst it hasn't incapacitated me entirely, it IS making drawing and using the computer to colour my artwork difficult and painful. To proceed as such would probably cause more injury from which the likelihood of recovery would be considerably lessened. While I get treatment for it I have decided it is indeed time for a short break from tooning and I will take the rest of October all of November off.
As long as the physio goes according to plan I anticipate being back on deck from December. So, sorry about that - no comics for the next month but I'll be using the time to write, etc since that's much less dependant on my right hand...
As long as the physio goes according to plan I anticipate being back on deck from December. So, sorry about that - no comics for the next month but I'll be using the time to write, etc since that's much less dependant on my right hand...