Things to do
There's a lot I'd like to do with Magellan on top of just producing the 2-3 pages of comics per week (actually I'd like to produce more than that but it would be pretty much impossible given that I also have a full time job). Maybe if I write it down in a list it won't seem too harrowing:
- Fully updated and easily maintained cast list
- Fully updated and easily Magellan info list (eg about the different forces, the island, etc)
- Magellan symbol t-shirt/sleeveless training top... that would be cool, huh? I'd wear it!
- Magellan symbol badge
- Bad Karma commentary - at least I've written something about the cover... only 300 pages to go. It's not essential I know but I think it would give me additional useful insight into the creative processes and developments and maybe be of interest to some readers
- Promotional material - primarily some postcards for local comic shops to leave out in some hopeful attempt to lure print comic readers onto the good ship Magellan. I think people are more accepting of webcomics now and might make the leap.
- Update the Magellan entry in the comixpedia wiki
- A convention comic with a totally original story. It would be maybe 12 pages and in colour or more pages and in B&W... I'm thinking the latter since that will give people more to read.